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10 Ways to Cheer Up Somebody in Need

The year 2020 has certainly thrown curveball after curveball. The world looks largely different than it did even a year ago. With the global pandemic changing the way we live our lives, many people are struggling to adjust to this “new normal.” That’s why now is the perfect time to check in on your friends and family to offer comfort and companionship. Check out these 10 ways to spread joy when a lot of us could use it more than ever.

1. Listen and Be Present

Last week was World Mental Health Day, which was an important reminder to check in with your friends and loved ones. Checking in periodically is important even if things seem to be fine from an outside view. You never know what people may be going through. The perfect way to cheer somebody up in need is to be there for them and be present. Actively listen to what they have to say and respond in whatever way you can to help. Simply reaching out is a great starting point.


2. Stop By with Treats

Whether you leave cookies on the front porch or stop by to enjoy goodies together, this can be a perfect socially distanced opportunity to connect. Use your spare quarantine time to bake up one of your friend’s favorite treats and hand deliver the goods. Unexpected food is sure to put a smile on somebody’s face… especially when you’re delivering their favorites!

3. Help with a To-Do List

Life can be overwhelming. Offer to help with a to-do list and knock out some of the tasks together. What may be difficult for one person could be easy for another. Find a task that your loved one has been putting off and surprise them by completing it. Dreaded tasks can be more fun when tackled together. 


4. Send a Letter

Get out your pen and paper to surprise your friend with a heartfelt note. Write down reasons you love being their friend, or recount your favorite pastimes with the person. If you’re not feeling the old-fashioned form of communication, an email can have the same effect. Simply get to writing!

5. Volunteer Together

There are plenty of volunteer opportunities in our new virtual world or safely distanced in the physical one. Ask a friend to volunteer with you for an instant mood boost for all. You’ll both be helping to give back, spending time together and setting off those “feel good” portions of your brain, knowing you did a good deed. 


6. Get Your Sweat On

Working out has been shown to increase your endorphins, which help to boost your mood. Host a virtual or socially distanced workout together. This can be as simple as a few yoga moves, or a fun and upbeat dance party. It doesn’t matter how you work out as long as you’re moving.

7. Deliver Flowers

Life is short, so it’s important to take time to stop and smell the roses. Or in this case, deliver some! Whether you call in an order to your local florist or hand pick some beautiful flowers from your garden, having something beautiful to look at can help spread cheer.

8. Give Them a Call

Pick up the phone and give somebody a ring. While texting is an easy way to stay in touch, talking on the phone will allow you to bring more focus to the conversation. If you’re worried about your loved one’s busy schedule, set up a time where you can both talk uninterrupted.

10. Binge Watch a Show

If the person you’re trying to cheer up is quarantining with you, get out the popcorn and throw a movie or tv show night. Pick something you’ve been saving and settle in. If you’re trying to cheer up somebody from afar, there are still ways to binge together. Try starting a show at the same time so you can both text or talk as the action happens.

11. Build Them a Playlist

Long gone are the days where you would burn a mix CD for your friends. However, you can still build them a cheery playlist to help boost their mood. Plus, now we have the magic of the internet to offer suggestions for songs. Put together the playlist on your favorite streaming service and send your friend or loved one a link.


There are plenty of ways to cheer up somebody you love, many of them only involving your time. Plus, it’ll bring a smile to your face knowing you could brighten somebody’s day. Pick any of the above and choose someone who may need a pick-me-up in your life. The smiles and laughter will be worth your efforts.